

Marinus Dammeweg 30
5928 PW Venlo

Tel +31 630 728 093

Biogas Upgrading Solutions

Pentair helps farmers and food processing companies maximize methane yield to produce a cost-competitive economic value stream through our end-to-end biogas upgrading solutions.

In addition to our biogas upgrading solutions, turn waste by-product CO2 into a viable commercial product with Pentair CO2 capture and recovery technology.

Our membrane and amine-based biogas upgrading solutions have been built to suit the individual needs of your business, with the ability to upgrade small to large flows of biogas into biomethane.

Our Solutions:

  • Pentair BioCompactupgrades biogas capacities of 75-750 m3/h.
  • Pentair BioBasic: upgrades biogas capacities of > 1000 m3/h.
  • Pentair BioPlus: upgrades biogas capacities of > 1000 m3/h in a more energy-efficient way.
  • Pentair BioComplete: upgrades biogas capacities of > 1000 m3/h in a more energy-efficient way and captures by-product COwith Pentair CO2Bolt-On.
  • BioAmine - for biogas capacities of 3000 - 6000 m3/h and beyond. 

Quality Control Solution: 
Pentair BioSENSE: Assists in managing the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) contamination levels of your biogas.

Optional CO2 Recovery Solution: 
Pentair CO2Bolt-On: Capture and recover by-product CO2 when upgrading your biogas. Available as an optional bolt-on for BioCompact, BioBasic, and BioPlus.