Fraunhofer-Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Energiesystemtechnik IEE

Fraunhofer-Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Energiesystemtechnik IEE
Department Bioenergy System Technology
Königstor 59
34119 Kassel

Tel +49 (0)561 7294-421
Fax +49 (0)561 7294-100

Department Bioenergy System Technology

The department bioenergy system technology of Fraunhofer IEE is carrying out research in the field of integration of bioenergy plants in energy supply structures. Our focus is on system technology of biogas plants, biogas upgrading plants and power to gas. Main activities are the development of technologies, components and concepts for demand oriented energy supply, upgrading and injection of renewable gases and PtG-technologies for customers from energy economy and industry.

The department operates a test center at Hessian Biogas Research Center (HBFZ) including a large-scale research biogas plant (900 m³), 170 laboratory digesters, converter units, silage chambers and manure supply. We provide consulting services, expertises and studies for public services, companies and policy, focused on biogas upgrading, demand oriented energy supply and PtG.